Enteckorea. In matching the progress of our development with that of the industry, our company produces various practical training equipment and instructional products. We offer convenient usage instructions for all such products, allowing anyone to use them easily.
Based on our differentiated technology, we develop various controls and systems as we continue to strive to make remote measurement and control possible from any location.
Our main products include Surge Protector, Short Protector, EL (Electroluminescence), Avr Chip, as well as various processor boards and multi-functional electronic training boards. We are currently developing a system that uses Power Line Communication (PLC) to enable various remote measurements and controls.
To signify our objectives to satisfy customer needs via differentiated technology and prevent losses via efficient management of energy resources, we named our company "Entec Korea". We will continue our unceasing research and development as well as technological innovation efforts to maximize customer satisfaction, and pledge to always be a company that stands together with our customers to tackle the challenges of the future.
- Thank you. -
회원 가입일 |
2008/06/09 (년/월/일) |
역할 구분 |
판매상 |
사업형태 |
제조업체 |
설립년도 |
2007 |
총 종업원수 |
1 - 5 |
연간매출 |
USD 100,000 - 500,000 |
[ 연락처 정보 ] |
회사명 |
(유)엔텍코리아 |
주소 |
전북 전주시 완산구 효자동 3가 전주시 1339번지 (우:560-860) 한국 |
전화번호 |
82 - 063 - 9055378 |
팩스번호 |
82 - 063 - 9055379 |
홈페이지 |
www.enteckorea.com |
담당자 |
박순선 / 이사 |